I’m Changing My Mind

desperation-447736_1280Sometimes God is sneaky. He loves us, therefore He pursues us. He chases us down like a dad running after his toddler in the backyard. We can pursue Him, but when you ponder that, what it amounts to is us slowing down enough that He catches us. And then sometimes it’s just a collision.

One year ago, a new transformational process began in my mind. I’ve always believed the often quoted scripture in Romans 12:2 – “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God,” and had experienced my share of transformation and mind renewal in my 40 + years of following Jesus, albeit rather slow.

Ok, back to God being sneaky. Overhearing a conversation and then intently tuning my ear to what was being said might be considered eavesdropping, but in this case their conversation wasn’t necessarily private. They were talking about a woman named Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist (a brain expert), who also happens to be follower of Christ. Curiosity got the best of me and I went home and began to watch her videos online. Awestruck and fascinated at her discoveries about our brain and how God has created us with the ability to literally change it, I decided to try her 21 Day Brain Detox Plan. One year and 17 detoxes later, not only am I awestruck and fascinated by her research, but also how transformation can really happen through the renewing of a mind, because it’s happening to me!

I am beginning a weekly blog today titled “As You Think” to share some of what I have learned and experienced through this process. Hopefully you can be inspired and transformed through reading it. I welcome your comments.

If you would like more information about Dr. Leaf and her ministry, you can visit her website www.drleaf.com.

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Prov. 23:7)

Yours in Him,




2 thoughts on “I’m Changing My Mind

  1. Jeremy Box Reply

    Yes! So proud of you man, and excited to read each post!

  2. popehannah Reply

    Wow! Great! Looking forward to seeing more!

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